1 Reviews
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.5lb - 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3lb - 3,4lb (10% discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 6.7 lb (15% discount)
Pressed paste cheese made from pasteurised Manchega sheep's milk, under the control of the "Regulating Advice of the Designation of Origin of the Manchego Cheese".
1 Reviews
Winner “Gran Seleccion 2010” Gold Medal Semi-Cured Manchego.
Pressed paste cheese made from pasteurised Manchega sheep's milk, under the control of the "Regulating Advice of the Designation of Origin of the Manchego Cheese".Mini Wheel 1.1lb - 500g
1 Reviews
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.5lb - 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.2lb - 3,4lb (10% discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 7 lb (15% discount)
Queso Cabra al Vino Rocinante Pressed paste cheese made with pasteurised goat´s milk and submerged in red wine from 24 to 72 hours, with a minimum ageing period of 30 days.
1 Reviews
Queso Cabra al Vino MINI-RocinanteMini Wheel 1.1lb / 500 g.
Pressed paste cheese made with pasteurised goat´s milk and submerged in red wine from 24 to 72 hours, with a minimum ageing period of 30 days.
1 Reviews
V. de Navarra from La Vasco Navarro
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.5lb - 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.2lb - 3,4lb (10% discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 7 lb (15% discount)
Pure sheep matured cheese, elaborated in Navarre with sheep's raw milk.
A cheese coming from pastures, where the excellent habitat is the adequate to produce a cheese of exceptional quality. The...
2 Reviews
1/2 Wheel: 1.1lb Whole Wheel: 2.2lb
Queso Puro de Cabra Semicurado Rocinante. Pressed paste cheese made with pasteurised goat´s milk and with a minimum ageing period of 30 days.
1 Reviews
Pressed paste cheese made from pasteurised pure goat milk. Inmersed in red wine for 48-72 hours.
Curing time: about 1 month.
Queso Cabra al Vino Rocinante0,44lb. / 200 g.
1 Reviews
Queso de Cabra Nevat
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.30 lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 2.65 lb (10% Discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 5.3 lb (15% Discount)
A pasteurized goat milk cheese.
The rind is covered by a thick layer of white mold which is edible. Its consistence is slightly creamy. The aroma is smooth, suggesting mushrooms. The taste is smooth, milky, and the...
1 Reviews
Queso Idiazabal from La Vasco Navarra1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.4lb (10% Discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 6.80lb (15% Discount)
The P.D.O. Idiazabal La Vasco Navarra bheese is elaborated in the Basque Country and Navarre, from raw milk of the "Lacha" and "Carranzana" sheep´s varieties, natural rennet, and a minimum ripering of 2 months.
1 Reviews
Queso de Oveja al Romero Rocianate
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.5lb - 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.2lb - 3,5lb (10% discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 7 lb (15% discount)
Artisan Sheep's milk cheese, aged 10 months. Coated with Crushed Rosemary.
Pressed paste cheese made with pasteurized sheep´s milk.
1 Reviews
Queso Iberico 3 Leches Raw cow's 40%, Raw Sheep 35%, Raw Goat 16%.
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.5lb - 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.2lb - 3,4lb (10% discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 7 lb (15% discount)
Its elaboration from raw milk and a careful ripening, make this product becomes our best introduction.