The Cinco Jotas ibérico paleta (shoulder cut) is an exquisite product obtained from the front legs of 100% ibérico pigs. The pure-bred animals are raised free range in the idyllic meadows of southwestern Spain Each and every one of our Iberian products embodies a legendary flavour of the highest quality, engaging all five senses. In contact with the palate, each ibérico shoulder ham unveils an overwhelming instensity of flavours and scents.
Paleta Iberica de Bellota Sin Hueso de Jabugo
Pieces 3-4 lbs Approx.
1- A boneless Iberian ham should be kept refrigerated, unlike bone-in ham, because once the bone is remofed the curing process stops so ghere is no longer that natural preservation.
2- Be sure put the block of ham on a plate to collect the oil during storage.
3- Divide the boneless ham into large pices, with a sharp knife. An electric slider is also redommended.
4- Cut only as you wil eat, as nothing is better than a ham sliced just moments before you enjoy it.
5- Arrange the slices of ham on a warmed plate on their own, or combinate with other ingredience to creat a culinary delight.
6- Using your fingers to eat your food? With Iberian ham, not only is this allowed, but it's encoraged! Enjoy the full experience.