1 Reviews
Queso Mahon D.O.P1/4 piece Approx. 1.56 lb 1/2 piece Approx. 3.12 lb (10% discount) Piece Approx. 6.25b (15% discount)
Pasteurized Semi-Cured Cow Milk CheeseA firm favourite with families, our semi-mature cheese is matured for between 90 and 120 days. Its lactic flavour is sophisticated and lingering, with hints of butter and toasted dried fruit and...
1 Reviews
V. de Navarra from La Vasco Navarro
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.5lb - 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.2lb - 3,4lb (10% discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 7 lb (15% discount)
Pure sheep matured cheese, elaborated in Navarre with sheep's raw milk.
A cheese coming from pastures, where the excellent habitat is the adequate to produce a cheese of exceptional quality. The...
1 Reviews
Queso de Cabra Nevat
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.30 lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 2.65 lb (10% Discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 5.3 lb (15% Discount)
A pasteurized goat milk cheese.
The rind is covered by a thick layer of white mold which is edible. Its consistence is slightly creamy. The aroma is smooth, suggesting mushrooms. The taste is smooth, milky, and the...
1 Reviews
Queso Idiazabal from La Vasco Navarra1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.4lb (10% Discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 6.80lb (15% Discount)
The P.D.O. Idiazabal La Vasco Navarra bheese is elaborated in the Basque Country and Navarre, from raw milk of the "Lacha" and "Carranzana" sheep´s varieties, natural rennet, and a minimum ripering of 2 months.
1 Reviews
Queso Iberico 3 Leches Raw cow's 40%, Raw Sheep 35%, Raw Goat 16%.
1/4 Wheel Approx. 1.5lb - 1.7lb 1/2 Wheel Approx. 3.2lb - 3,4lb (10% discount) Whole Wheel Approx. 7 lb (15% discount)
Its elaboration from raw milk and a careful ripening, make this product becomes our best introduction.
1 Reviews
Traditional Elaboration CheeseSheep mini cheese, made with raw milk, in an artisanal way, with natural rind and with minimum of 60 days curing.Whole Weight: 700g Aprox.
1 Reviews
Weight: 1/2 Wheel: 1.1 lbs. Approx. Weight: Whole Wheel: 2.2 lbs. Approx.
Cheese of cylindrical form, elaborated with raw milk of sheep merina and vegetable rennet. Creamy and melting, mild flavor and great personality. Jewel of our agrarian cultural heritage.
"Best Cheese in the World 2022, awarded at the World Cheese Awards. 250g - 8,82oz
In the first few days after leaving the cheese dairy, it's a compact cheese with notes of cream, yogurt, and fresh curd. However, as it evolves, it becomes creamier, almost reaching a liquid consistency, starting from the rind to the center, acquiring much more complex...