1 Reviews
Mejillones en Escabeche 6/8 pieces
Mussels from the "Rias Gallegas" (Sweet River), perfectly clean, fried in olive oil and with a rich pickle sauce. Mussels of exceptional quality that we produce in very small quantities.
1 Reviews

Picos - Mini Breadsticks with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Net Weight: 8.8oz - 250g
Picos and all their variants are an almost indispensable accompaniment to the famous tapas that Spain has managed to export and make fashionable all over the world.
1 Reviews

Regañas - Crackers with Extra Virgin Olive OilNet Weight: 8.8oz/250g
Regañas and all their variants are an indispensable accompaniment to the well-known tapas that Spain has managed to export and make so fashionable all over the world.
The gordal olive is a typical table olive. It is highly appreciated. This is due not only to its enormous size, but also to its high quality and extraordinary flavor.
The gordal olive is a typical table olive. It is highly appreciated. This is due not only to its enormous size, but also to its high quality and extraordinary flavor.
The gordal olive is a typical table olive. It is highly appreciated. This is due not only to its enormous size, but also to its high quality and extraordinary flavor.
The gordal olive is a typical table olive. It is highly appreciated. This is due not only to its enormous size, but also to its high quality and extraordinary flavor.
The gordal olive is a typical table olive. It is highly appreciated. This is due not only to its enormous size, but also to its high quality and extraordinary flavor.
A delicious marzipan nougat with candied fruit.
1 Reviews
Hard Almond NougatThe best turrón can be identified by looking at the percentage of nut and honey of which it is made.
Individually wrapped Bulk “A Granel." Price by 1.1Lb
The wine roscos are typical Christmas sweets, round with a hole in the middle. The dough carries a certain amount of sweet wine (anis). It is a very typical doughnut in Spanish cuisine.
Individually wrapped Bulk “A Granel." Price by 1.1Lb
E. Moreno was born under the aim of the production of delicious sweets with the most exclusive variety of flavors and aroma: cinnamon, lemon, chocolate, coconut, wine flavored cookies, etc.