1 Reviews
Mejillones en Escabeche 6/8 pieces
Mussels from the "Rias Gallegas" (Sweet River), perfectly clean, fried in olive oil and with a rich pickle sauce. Mussels of exceptional quality that we produce in very small quantities.
1 Reviews

Picos - Mini Breadsticks with Extra Virgin Olive Oil Net Weight: 8.8oz - 250g
Picos and all their variants are an almost indispensable accompaniment to the famous tapas that Spain has managed to export and make fashionable all over the world.
1 Reviews

Regañas - Crackers with Extra Virgin Olive OilNet Weight: 8.8oz/250g
Regañas and all their variants are an indispensable accompaniment to the well-known tapas that Spain has managed to export and make so fashionable all over the world.
1 Reviews

Boquerones, en Aceite de Oliva, Vinagre y Ajo.
Our fresh anchovies in vinegar and garlic in olive oil are handmade from fresh fish. They present a white and a soft, consistent texture.
Plastic Tray 17.63oz (drained wt.) (145-155 fillets)
These lentils are the best friends of fine palates and tight agendas: rich and soft, they solve in minutes a hot first dish, a salad or a side dish. To always have on hand.Net Weight: 20.2oz
A delicious marzipan nougat with candied fruit.