1 Reviews
Mejillones en Escabeche 6/8 pieces
Mussels from the "Rias Gallegas" (Sweet River), perfectly clean, fried in olive oil and with a rich pickle sauce. Mussels of exceptional quality that we produce in very small quantities.
1 Reviews
Boquerones, en Aceite de Oliva, Vinagre y Ajo.
Our fresh anchovies in vinegar and garlic in olive oil are handmade from fresh fish. They present a white and a soft, consistent texture.
Plastic Tray 17.63oz (drained wt.) (145-155 fillets)
Miel de MadroñoThis honey surprises everyone for its taste, as it is bitter. Strawberry tree honey is harvested between the end of October and the beginning of November.This product has the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) seal Miel de Asturias and the Alimentos del Paraíso quality seal, with guaranteed geographical origin (Principality of...
1 Reviews
Miel de Bosque AsturianoThere are areas where our beehives are located where the vegetation is varied, the resulting honey comes from the nectar of a great variety of different flowers, mainly from heather, chestnut and oak trees, not just a single predominant flower.This product has the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) seal Miel de Asturias and...
1 Reviews
Miel de CastañoThe finest honey produced by bees from nectar mainly collected from the chestnut blossom.
ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS: Color: Light amber. Aroma: Floral aroma, with a clear and marked woody component.Taste: Sweet with salty notes.
PRODUCTION AREA: Asturian mountains (North of Spain).